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Workforce Analytics Can’t Wait — The High Cost of Recruitment & Retention

Public sector agencies are in constant competition with the private sector for talented and diverse applicants. At the same time, employees are job hopping in search of higher pay and greater flexibility. The number of people changing jobs has been increasing with up to 40% of employees leaving within the first year. While agencies devote considerable time, effort and resources to hiring, they often overlook the other side of the talent coin — retention (and its evil twin, turnover). Replacing a departed employee can cost up to 150% of the position’s annual compensation that can’t be recouped.

Our speakers discussed how employers can fine-tune their strategies for recruiting top candidates and retaining employees while managing budgets. Watch the replay to:

• Better understand the hard and soft costs of productivity loss, recruiting, hiring, and onboarding

• Learn how to benchmark against comparable agencies using real-time analytics to stay competitive and reduce turnover

• Explore readily available tools agencies need to get a leg up on the data required for confident costing and budgeting